What would appear to be
A new ism
Is in fact
An old fad with new duds
And what would seem to be
A novel idea
Is just another love song
A love song to the self
The self comprising
A jumble, a mosaic
A collection of bad intuitions
A sonnet
Not written by Shakespeare
So we must return
To whence we came
A much harder thing to do
Than coming up
With worthless paper
And worse than useless
A new ism
Is in fact
An old fad with new duds
And what would seem to be
A novel idea
Is just another love song
A love song to the self
The self comprising
A jumble, a mosaic
A collection of bad intuitions
A sonnet
Not written by Shakespeare
So we must return
To whence we came
A much harder thing to do
Than coming up
With worthless paper
And worse than useless