

I'm trying
Despite it all
I tackle my
With rueful languor
And wonder if
I'll ever find that word
That's hidden itself
In the deep recesses
Of my mind
Brave words
From someone who is scared
If they strengthen someone
They they have meaning
Some prefer
Doing nothing to doing good
Or if failing that
Then doing evil will suffice
We look for an even place
To stand on
We don't
You have everything you want
Yet you're not satisfied
Wonder why that is-
Do you fear retribution
For something you didn't do
Is that how you think
The universe works-
You may be on to something
Doing the unexpected
Is to be expected
In this age
Of high expectations
Adjust the frontiers
Of your mind
What you once thought
Was wilderness
May actually be a
Civilized area
Perhaps bereft of
Cultural superiority
But serviceable
In a pedestrian kind of way