

The year is passing quickly
Faster now
That I have adjusted
My expectations
Like everyone
I fear what might be

Have you read the papers lately?
Have you seen
The comings and goings of humanity?
Are you surprised
By what is unfolding?
You shouldn't be
All was predicted long ago
In distant lands and places
On ancient shores
Oracles were consulted
And the message wasn't good
But yet somehow
We've survived ten thousand years
Of tinkering
Continual squeaking of the wheel
And no matter how you
Squeak it
The wheel is still round

This moment is receding
From our view
We're at the edge
With no place to hide
Purpose and meaning
Are lacking
Or so it seems
But if a life
Is extraordinary
It is also mundane

I want to remember
And in a way
I guess I do
But how memory
Can replace substance...
It can't

In our infirmity
We are lowered
From the rooftop
Our sickness disappears
And our humility lingers