In the quietness
Of a broken morning
I long for parables
That I do not understand
Because there's too much
In the world
That I do understand
And it's understanding
That I never wanted
If you live in coolness
Too long
Won't you forget
How to sweat
There are patterns
That I am not perceiving
There are thoughts
And concepts I resist in believing
There's not a whole
Lot more to say
Were we supposed to use
Words that were written
Thousands of years ago
Aren't they somehow
And if they're not
Doesn't that mean
We've gone nowhere
Who are we
At the end of the day
I wonder
If there's any reason
To speculate
Who will we be
When all is said
And done
Will we be able
To recognize ourselves
Will we want to
Do not be dismayed
Our day will come
Just hope it doesn't rain
I'm waiting
To be surprised
Had a couple of false starts
Then memories have gotten
Mixed up with dreams
And so my reality
Is shifting
Under my feet